Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Digital Edge Project

This project seems like an awesome idea! Way to go for those teachers to incorperate technology into their classroom in a productive way. The student's parents must be really proud of them to learn how to use computers to create presentations. I don't know if I would ever be able to use technology like these nationally certified teachers have used. I don't even feel comfortable using a computer myself, let alone teaching my students how to use programs to create presentations. The Digital Edge Project is a great idea, just not the best one for me.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Reflections on Mitchel Resnick

Summary: In Mitchel Resnick's article, "Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age" he talks about how computers need to be viewed more as a learning tool and a creative media and less as an information technology. He explains the importance of becoming digitally fluent and how there is a difference between being able to word-process or send an e-mail and being able to "construct things of significance with those tools". An example he brings forth of using computers to construct things are the Computer Clubhouses that were started up in Boston. People are able to come to these clubhouses and create their own projects. They are able to express themselves in the computer world while learning to become digitally fluent. Resnick states that we need to rethink how and what people learn, and we need to change from focusing on information and how much we know to how we can "think and act creatively".

Reflection: I am the first person to say that I dislike using computers and technology. It always breaks around me and then there is no way for me to use it, let alone understand it. Computers for me have always been for looking up information, typing up information, and printing out information. Sure, I would get on to Microsoft Paint and play around for a while when I was bored, but who hasn't? That is the extent to my being creative on the computer. I even ended up deleting my Myspace because making it all colorful, creative, and awesome took way too much time and frustration to figure out (which is why I prefer Facebook, there are no layouts). In all reality, I am a very creative person and an avid scrapbooker, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to be digitally/creatively fluent on a computer! Resnick brings up the thought that we should start teaching the ways to be fluent in school, and I agree. I don't think I would have near as much trouble as I do now if all through elementary school all my computer classes I spent with my fingers on home row typing of pages of script. We were only able to use the creative programs after we had finished all of the researched, typed up, printed out work. I was taught to think of computers as an information technology. I don't know if I will ever see it differently now.